We aid in the process
We aid in the process
Here at YD Yachts, we can aid you through the boat buying process, from making an offer, to sea trial, survey and ownership transfer.
Before we leave in the morning, I wanted to thank you for everything:
-Your dynamite fast response to every initial question we had
-The total accuracy of your details, this allowed us to buy from Australia without ever having physically seen the boat
-Every single thing we asked, you had the answer to and always knew a good tradesman who could help.
Buying through you made the whole process very easy. We have bought yachts before and recognise GREAT service. If you wish to pass my email to any potential customers I will be happy to recommend you.
All the very best and thanks
Hi Yianni!
Javna zahvala.
Želiva se zahvaliti Yiannisu za vso pomoč pri nakupu najine nove jadrnice vGrčiji. Bil je izredno profesionalen, izmenjali smo sištevilne e-maile, na katere je praviloma odgovarjal v izredno kratkem času – največkrat še isti dan. Ker sva imela srečo in našla njega za posrednika (bil jesicer predstavnik prodajalca) sva bila v celotnem procesu nakupa skorajda brez skrbi, da bi utegnilo iti kaj narobe. Yiannis je izreden človek in ga priporočamo vsakomur, ki se zanima za nakup plovila v Grčiji.
Caro Yannis,
Normalmente não costumo escrever este tipo de carta, mas me sinto especialmente agradecido e simultaneamente, creio poder ajudar a antigos e novos proprietários de barco a finalmente realizarem seu sonho, utilizando sua inestimável ajuda.
Sou proprietário de veleiros a 27 anos, e não e a primeira vez que compro um barco em pais estrangeiro, processo sempre tenso e intricado pois cada pais possui sua praticas e tradições, mas ter conhecido você no ultimo barco, no ultimo dia da segunda viagem de analise de ofertas que me levou por dois continentes desde que eu e minha mulher vendemos nosso antigo veleiro em outubro de 2011, e no caso da ultima viagem, apos 15 voos de avião em 20 dias, foi quase uma providencia divina.
Devo dizer que se não fosse a segurança que sentimos no teu comportamento e nos testemunhos pessoais dos antigos clientes (com osquais falamos pessoalmente) dificilmente teríamos seguido adiante com o negocio em um ambiente empresarial e econômico tão complicado como este da Grécia em 2012.
Sua incrível capacidade de fazer parecer fácil coisas que sabemos que em seu pais não são, a condução rápida e eficiente das negociações e da burocracia grega, superando obstáculos que felizmente para meu coração só me inteirei completamente depois, foram fundamentais para uma experiência suave como se estivesse comprando um carro zero na concessionaria na esquina de minha casa, e não um veleiro usado a 13.000 km de distancia.
Suas sugestões discretas, eficientes e econômicas de soluções para questões fiscais, de registro e de guarda e manutenção do barco recém adquirido foram fundamentais para nossa tranquilidade e economia de recursos mesmo estando tão longe do novo barco.
Sua preocupação em atuar tão intensamente no processo pós venda, muito além do que e comum ou praxe no ramo foi extremamente útile tranquilizador, e uma ajuda inestimável a compradores de longa distancia como nos e que transitam pelo meio náutico grego pela primeira vez.
Finalmente ficamos com a sensação de que além de tudo, podemos contar que temos em você e tua esposa um novo casal de amigos em um novo porto (que assim será por vários anos graças a você, pois não eram nossos planos iniciais).
To whom it may concern.
I have recently had the pleasure of doing business with Yiannis Drimousis. I purchased a Bavaria 50 in March this year (2012). From the first meeting when we visited Athens and met with Yiannis to view potential yachts to purchase, he found was to be more than helpful, very professional in his attitude and above all, very willing to share his experience and advise accordingly. There were one or two problems which arose, I hasten to add that these were not problems caused by Yiannis, but he was always on hand to sort these out. In particular he was extremely helpful with guiding us through the process of legalities involved in the purchase of a vessel in a foreign country.
I have no problem whatsoever in recommending Yiannis to anyone in the future who is thinking of buying a yacht in Greece.
Yiannis Drimousis of YDyachts has a knowledge of yachts and yacht systems that in my opinion is first class, and I’ve been sailing for 45 years. He advised us of the finer (and less fine) points of every yacht we examined, and then completed the successful purchase of a Jeanneau 45.2 for us, making it plain sailing. His knowledge of the unwieldy Greek bureaucracy system, how to get a yacht off the Greek registry, then minimize VAT and other liabilities around Europe in the future is essential. He has contacts with excellent surveyors and you should use them. Yiannis is a good man to know, in every sense of the expression.
Cand ne-am hotarat sa luam un velier am vazut multe vase, atat cu properietarii lor cat si cu brokeri, si pe departe yacht-urile in cea mai buna conditie le-am gasit la YD Yachts (Yannis Drimusis).
Yannis Drimusis este o persoana foarte punctuala si ne-a raspuns la orice intrebare legata de yacht atat telefonic cat si pe mail intr-un timp foarte scurt.
Yannis, vrem sa iti multumim pentru toate sfaturile, informatiile pe care ni le-ai oferit de la prima intalnire si mai ales pentru indrumarea in tot procesul mai ales ca noi nu aveam nici o experienta anterioara.
Tot procesul de achizionare a durat aproximativ 2 luni, datorita multelor hartii si acte care trebuie adunate (birocratie), si iti multumim din toata inima pentru tot suportul acordat aceata perioada. Am reusit sa achizionam yachtul dorit si sa ne si incadram in bugetul disponibil-lucru imposibil fara ajutorul tau.
Multumim din tot sufletul pentru:
– Profesionalismul desavarsit
– gama larga de yachturi prezentate si preturi rezonabile
– pentru raspunsurile la intrebari (telefonic, mail sau fata in fata)
– suportul in timpul procesului de survey si negociere
– suportul depus pentru conexiunea cu vanzatorul si strangerea tutorar
actelor necesare
– suportul depus pe toata perioada procesului de transfer al yachtului
Nach Jahren Charter entschlossen wir uns im Herbst 2011 den geborgten Yachten ade zu sagen und ab der nächsten Saison auf eigenem Kiel unterwegs zu sein.
Unsere Suche begann im Internet wo wir dann auch rasch eine vermeintlich gute Yacht von einem Privatverkäufer ausfindig machten und wir vereinbarten einen Besichtigungstermin in Griechenland. Was uns fehlte war der Sachverständige. So suchten wir im Internet weiter und kamen mit YD-Yachts, Mr. Yiannis Drimousis in Kontakt. Auf seiner Homepage fanden wir sehr gut beschrieben, welche Schritte zu setzen sind um eine Yacht in Griechenland zu kaufen. Ich telefonierte dann mit Yiannis und fragte ihn über Sachverständige, selbstlos nannte uns Yiannis einen sehr kompetenten Sachverständigen, welchen wir dann auch für die Überprüfung der Privatyacht engagierten. Yiannis stand uns bei Fragen über den Ankauf einer Privatyacht immer sehr hilfsbereit zur Seite, jede Anfrage über allgemeine Themen beantwortete er uns, ohne dass wir mit ihm einen Kontrakt hatten! Egal, bei der Überprüfung durch den Sachverständigen stellte sich heraus, dass das gute Privatschnäppchen einen Rumpfschaden (Grundberührung) hatte und wir dadurch von einem Kauf Abstand nahmen. Das bedeutete für uns, weitersuchen.
Unsere neue Suche setzten wir dann auf der Homepage von YD-Yachts fort und wurden dort auch bald fündig, eine Bavaria 36 mit 2 Kabinen, genau so etwas hatten wir gesucht.
Wir traten abermals mit Yiannis in Kontakt, organisierten uns den bereits aus der vorangegangenen Besichtigung bekannten Sachverständigen, Mr. Willliam Walsh aus Piräus, und Anfang Dezember 2011 trafen wir uns, Yiannis mit Gattin, William, der Verkäufer, meine Frau und ich in Thessaloniki um die Wunschyacht zu besichtigen. Bei der Besichtigung stellten wir einige Mängel fest, welche wir vom angeschriebenen Preis reduziert haben wollten. Wir überließen es Yiannis die Verhandlung einer Preisreduktion zu führen. Yiannis verhandelte zu unserer Zufriedenheit und somit unterfertigten wir am 19.12.2011 den Kaufvertrag! Die darauffolgenden notariellen Abwicklungen, Kaufvertrag, Nachweis über bezahlte Mehrwertsteuer, Streichung aus dem griechischen Schiffsregister, usw. wurde zu unserer vollsten Zufriedenheit rasch abgewickelt und das Beste zum Schluss, die griechischen Amtspapiere wurden alle mit notarieller Beglaubigung ins Englische übersetzt. Die Kosten der Übersetzung und Beglaubigung hat Yiannis übernommen!!!
Die Yacht ist seit 22. Februar 2012 in Österreich registriert und unseren Törns in Griechenland oder sonst wo, steht Dank der kompetenten und raschen Abwicklung von YD-Yachts, Mr. Yiannis Drimousis nichts mehr im Weg. Wir können YD-Yachts uneingeschränkt weiterempfehlen!!!
Nochmals herzlichen Dank an Yiannis,
Now that all of the paperwork has been completed I thought I would draft a short note of thanks.
In particular I would like to thank you for all of the advice, guidance and support you have promptly provided to me during the whole process.
Please feel free to put any of your future potential customers in contact with me should they require someone to attest to how supportive and easy it has been for me to deal with you (Yiannis Drimousis, (YD Yachts). I would single out the following key aspects of the whole process we have just completed:
· Your professional website containing lots of useful information about the whole purchase process (FAQs);
· The large range of yachts that you have on your website for consideration;
· Your support during the survey and negotiation part of the process;
· Your follow up support in helping organise minor modifications to my boat and a temporary site (boatyard) until I commence sailing next April;
· Your ability to manage our discussions and negotiations from one end of the world (Greece to Australia) to the other; and
· Your patient, open and honest appraisal of each of the many boats that I considered over the last 3-4 months.
Once again thanks for your help. I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend you to anyone looking to buy (or sell) a yacht in Greece.
Best wishes,
Beste Yiannis,
Vanmiddag ontving ik de scheeps documenten en zoals gebruikelijk was alles conform afspraak. Hiermee is de aankoop van mijn schip formeel afgerond. Een goed moment om je nog eens te bedanken voor de voortreffelijke wijze waarop je het hele verkoop proces geleid hebt. Onder andere de volgende punten maakten het voor mij een aangename ervaring:
– De uitstekende bereikbaarheid en altijd zeer snelle follow up, exact volgens hetgeen overeengekomen was, hetzij telefonisch,via email of d.m.v. besprekingen.
-Een goede actuele website met uitstekende beschrijvingen en foto’s, een werkelijk exacte weergave van de werkelijkheid. Bij interesse in een bepaald schip volgde meer, met uiterst nuttige foto’s van relevante details.
-Een ongekende technische kennis van boten in het algemeen en van de verschillende toonaangevende merken, met hun sterke en zwakke punten in het bijzonder. Na meer dan 50 jaar scharrelen met boten heb ik nog een hoop van je kunnen leren!
-Een zeer goed gevoel voor de markt omstandigheden.
-Zeer goede connecties voor het afhandelen van alle papieren rompslomp, zoals BTW en registratie. Voor buitenlanders een ware nachtmerrie. Met jouw hulp een formaliteit. Ook de onderhandelingen over de BTW grondslag leverden een gunstig resultaat op.
-Prima verkoper/matchmaker, die alles in het werk stelt partijen tot elkaar te brengen met respect voor beider partijen’s uitgangs punten en wensen.
-De beschikking over een gedegen netwerk van personen en bedrijven, die werkzaamheden of ligplaatsen kunnen verzorgen tegen een goede prijs/kwaliteit.
-Eerlijkheid en betrouwbaarheid.
Yiannis, nogmaals bedankt voor al je goede zorgen en adviezen (ik hoop hier nog van tijd tot tijd gebruik van te mogen maken); het was buitengewoon plezierig zaken met je te doen. Het allerbeste en heel veel succes met je zaak.
Met vriendelijke groet
Hej Yiannis
Försäljningen av Miss Fine är nu genomförd, och vi väntar på att sommaren skall komma så vi kan börja segla.
Vi vill passa på att tacka för det arbete du lagt ned på försäljningen. Upplägget var ju ganska trassligt med båten på land, sjösättning möjligt först i september, säljare och köpare i Thailand och Sverige och en besikning som visade på en del saker som behövde ses över / repareras.
Vi tycker att du hanterat juridiken, förhandlingarna med oss (och säljare) och åtgärderna på båten på ett väldigt bra sätt.. Det har varit lätt att kommunicera med dig, svar på mail har alltid kommit snabbt och den information vi fått har alltid varit pålitlig. Vi uppskattar också upplägget av land- och sjöprov och ditt engagemang och din närvaro under själva proven Vi önskar dig lycka till i framtida affärer, och hoppas att du kanske kan hjälpa oss att sälja båten när den dagen kommer.
Vi sålde vår båt genom YD Yacht Broker och vi är mycket nöjda med hur Yiannis har skött affären. Vi kan varmt rekommendera honom och hans företag.
Vi bestemte oss for ε kjψpe en Sun Odyssey 40 sommeren 2010, og etter ε ha sψkt endel – og hatt endel korrespondanse med meglere i middelhavsomrεdet, endte vi opp med en bεt YDYachs formidlet salget av. Vi fikk umiddelbart et godt inntrykk av Yiannis Drimousis, og alle vεre spψrsmεl ble rask og utfyllende besvart. I perioden frem til endelig overtagelse av bεten, vεren 2011, viste Yiannis en meget positiv og grundig holdning til hele prosessen, og var hele tiden behjelpelig i gjennomfψringen pε alle omrεder – enten det var av teknisk/praktisk natur, eller juridisk mhp. byrεkrati og regler i Hellas. Han har vζrt en uvurderlig hjelp gjennom hele kjψpsprosessen, og det er liten tvil om at hans bidrag gjorde handelen bεde sikker og rask for oss. Jeg vil pε det varmeste anbefale YD Yachts som formidler av bεter for salg, og vil sζrdeles trekke frem Yiannis Drimousis som en seriψs og dyktig megler med sin positive personlighet og gode kunnskaper om bransjen samt lover og regler i Hellas.
Nous tenions à vous remercier pour l’aide que vous nous avez apportée et professionnalisme dont vous avez fait preuve tout au long de la négociation qui a précédé l’achat de notre Catamaran Nautitech 435.
Vous avez su nous conseiller, nous rassurer et avez toujours répondu avec patience et précision à nos multiples interrogations. Le climat de confiance que vous avez instauré nous a permis d’aller au bout de la transaction et nous avons apprécié votre efficacité, particulièrement en ce qui concerne les relations avec la bureaucratie grecque.
En vous renouvelant nos remerciements, nous vous prions de recevoir, Monsieur, l’expression de notre considération distingué.
Caro Yiannis,
Comprar um barco e como realizar um sonho, portanto nao e tarefa facil e venho atraves desta te agradecer, muito obrigado, ou como se diz em grego “σε ευχαριστώ πάρα πολύ”.
Quando decidimos por comprar um barco na Grecia era uma tarefa duplamente dificil, pois nao entendiamos muito do assunto e estavamos em um pais diferente em linguas e costumes, mas com sua ajuda e auxilio esta tarefa se tornou mais facil e certamente atingivel.
Voce nao so nos ajudou na compra do barco como tambem nos detalhes legais e na sua manutencao inicial nos apresentando pessoas igualmente honestas e eficientes.
Certamente quando pensarmos em adquirir outro barco ou quando tivermos algum amigo interessado em faze-lo sabemos a quem recorrer, ao nosso amigo Yiannis.
Qualquer dia desses vamos tomar outro cafe no Bar do Capitao em Kalamaki.
Um grande abraco dos seus amigos,
Ich hatte bei meinem zweiten Kauf einer Yacht mit mehreren Yachtmaklern in England, Deutschland und Holland zu tun. Man konnte sie alle vergessen.
Durch das Internet stiess ich schliesslich auf Herrn Yiannis Drimousis, Athen, Griechenland. Sehr überrascht war ich von Anfang an ueber ein wirkliches Verstaendnis seinerseits, was ich wollte und was zu mir passen wuerde. Mir wurde also nicht etwas aufgeschwatzt.
Durch seine grosse Erfahrung und eine selten gewordene ausserordentliche Hilfsbereitschaft entschloss ich mich fuer eine Beneteau 440 Oceanis.
Das besondere daran war, ich kaufte dieses Boot ohne es gesehen zu haben. Der Grund: ich lebte in Shanghai und hatte nun einmal sehr grosses Vertrauen in Yiannis Drimousis. Dieses Vertauen wurde auch in keinster Weise enttaeuscht. Im Gegenteil. Yiannis hatte alles organisiert, alles perfekt geplant. Alle noetigen Papiere vom Kaufangebot, Kaufvertrag, Registrierung bis zum notariellen Teil war alles ohne Makel. Also so, wie ein sehr guter Yacht-Makler immer machen sollte.
Als ich nach Griechenland kam, stellte ich einige Dinge am Boot fest, die ich gerne geändert/repariert haben wollte. Auch einige Ausruestungsgegenstaende fehlten. Für Yiannis Drimousis war das alles kein Problem: alles wurde auf seine Kosten repariert, die Ausrüstung ergaenzt.
Ich kann Herrn Yiannis Drimousis, der mittlerweile ein Freund unserer Familie ist, bestens empfehlen. Vielen Dank Yiannis.
O senhor Yannis ultrapassou todas as minhas expectivas como broker. Eu cheguei em Atenas com a idéia de comprar um barco que havia visto na internet, mas sem noção nenhuma do que era bom ou ruim. O primeiro barco que ele me mostrou parecia bonito, um pouco velho, mas o preço era bom e eu viajei até a Grécia só para ver ele. O surveyor condenou o barco e disse que não servia aos meus propósitos (o senhor Yannis fez questão que eu contratasse o surveyor e isso me poupou muito dinheiro e problemas). Eu não tinha mais muitas alternativas pois tudo o que restava no mercado era muito mais do que eu esperava gastar. Ele me mostrou um barco que era um pouco acima do valor do anterior, mas realmente muito diferente. Um barco não muito novo, mas extremamente bem cuidado pelos antigos donos. Era bem aquilo que eu estava procurando. Ele realmente entendeu o meu objetivo e conseguiu realiza-lo.
Ele conhece bem o prórpio negócio e te mostra o que você quer ver. Até então esse é o trabalho dele e de qualquer outro broker, mas eu precisei fazer umas modificações no barco e aí começou a parte onde ele se diferenciou para mim.
A assistência que eu tive por parte dele foi total, ele me levou aos lugares onde vendem os equipamentos, me apresentou as pessoas, e cuidou de tudo com relação a documentação, marina etc… Em um lugar onde a língua é completamente estranha a sua e as pessoas são tão trapaceiras quanto no Brasil essa ajuda foi fundamental para o que eu atingisse o meu objetivo.
Eu entendi que quando se sabe exatamente o tamanho, o modelo, o ano, o valor que se quer gastar e tem os contatos necessários para fazer qualquer tipo de modificação, transporte, documentação etc… Não faz muita diferença onde e de quem se está comprando o barco, mas quando se tem dúvida em algum desses ítens ou quando não se tem tempo, conhecimento ou paciência para fazer tudo por si próprio, o trabalho dele é MUITO importante.
Além de tudo ele é uma pessoa extremamente agradável e simpática espero não ter virado apenas um cliente, mas sim um novo amigo (ou um amigo novo).
Sr. Yannis (se o sr. conseguir ler isso em português) depois de eu curtir um pouco a minha nova aquisição espero encontrar o senhor novamente, seja no Brasil (nas suas férias) ou aí na Grécia quando for trocar o meu barco, pois como o sr. mesmo diz: “Barcos são como as mulheres, você compra um e fica olhando para todos os outros”. Essa é a versão em português da sua famosa frase.
Obrigado por tudo!!!
Um grande abraço
After sailing for many years in the UK the arrival of 2 children and our concerns for their safety put a temporary hold on sailing activities and we reluctantly sold our yacht to concentrate on bringing up a family. As the children reached their teenage years we began to charter in the Med, sailing between Greece and Turkey and the whole family developed a love for the area. With the benefit of this experience, we decided that now was the time to look for our own yacht and started searching in February this year.
By the end of the month, we eventually found what we wanted, a Feeling 416 on the books of YD Yachts in Athens. The yacht was under a Greek flag, but had been left in Turkey and neglected due to ill health. The boat was in good structural condition but many items of equipment had been stolen. Yiannis Drimousis explained that he knew the boat from new and gave us a very comprehensive description of its condition, including almost 50 photographs showing precisely the extent of the neglect – which was reflected in the asking price.
Based on this we decided to take a trip out to Turkey to see things for ourselves. Yiannis was constantly in touch, answering all of our questions and concerns and keeping us up to date with developments on the sale – which was more complicated than most. We received an independent inventory of the missing equipment and prior to our visit asked YD Yachts if they could arrange for a haul-out so that we could view the condition of the hull. It transpired that no haulage facilities were available at the yachts location – the marina was still under construction – but we agreed that if, after viewing, we decided to go ahead with the purchase Yiannis could arrange for the yacht to be transfered further along the coast for a haul-out and hull inspection.
We arrived in Turkey mid-March to view the yacht and found everything exactly as described. YD Yachts set up a meeting for us with the owner’s solicitor and made arrangements for the boat to be moved while we were there so that we could reach a final decision on the purchase.
The service from Yiannis was excellent – nothing was too much trouble. We were buying a Greek registered yacht requiring renovation, it was based in Turkey and had to moved for inspection and we were working on a very tight timescale. Everything ran smoothly and we decided to go ahead with the purchase.
YD Yachts handled all the paperwork, including deletion from the Greek Ships Registry, and we are now the proud owners of a British registered Feeling 416 currently being brought back to life. And it doesnt stop there – the after-sales service has been just as good, queries we have had in relation to equipment and costs have been quickly answered and resolved.
Thanks Yiannis – we couldnt have achieved so much, so quickly without your invaluable help and advice. I hope we can meet up with you in Athens this summer, when the project is finished.
Dear Yiannis,
As you know from the chronicles I have been sending, my family and I are now back in Brisbane after 5 glorious months of Greek islands summer on our fabulous Bavaria 46 “Tramondana”. The assistance you gave me at the early stages when the idea was only forming in my mind, and ultimately the discovery of the right boat to buy, contributed significantly to the success of this long and extravagant holiday that forms another great episode in our life.
With most of my sailing having been in New Zealand and Australia, I knew nothing of the regulations, formalities or practicalities of sailing in the Mediterranean, or purchasing and owning a sailing yacht there. Hunting the web for information, I found the straight-forward explanations at the most helpful introduction, and then your prompt and enthusiastic responses to my relentless queries about registration, VAT, cruising tax, transit log, traffic document, hows and wherefores of sailing and wintering a yacht in Greece and the Mediterranean were instrumental in my assessment of the feasibility and practicality of purchasing and owning a yacht on the opposite side of the world from where I normally live. While I will only suggest that the answer to the practicality question is similar to beauty being in the eye of the beholder, or perhaps a warped sense of priorities, the positive feasibility assessment was mostly due to the help you gave me.
However, its discussion of rules and regulations introduces interpretation rather than quoting or referencing the source documents. A link to an official source would be useful to gain a confident understanding. Yet, your advice of its practical application does avoid the need for a great deal of research.
What I also now appreciate is that the promises on your website of full service assistance through the yacht purchase process is real and part of the excellent service you provide. Over several months of intermittently firing you questions about a new boat listing or another angle on registration or taxes, you were the most helpful. When I visited Athens for three days in January 2008, it was you who listened to what I was looking for and took me through a logical process in just a few hours of the morning to quickly narrow down on the “right boat for me” out of the many and varied available. Others had simply shown me around the boats I had specifically asked about, without using some initiative to work out what I really needed. A significant part of your process was the honesty with which you portrayed the boats in regard to hidden details of such importance as structural integrity from fundamental design and the state of the industry at the time of construction.
Clearly all these factors culminated in my purchase of the 1997 Bavaria 46 with your competent assistance. Within 48 hours of our first meeting in Athens, you found me the boat, completed negotiations with the seller and also prepared all the documentation need to complete the sale, transfer of ownership and deletion from the Greek registry, knowing that I was travelling directly back to Australia, from where the process would otherwise have been drawn out and costly.
Yet that was only the beginning of our relationship, as you followed through all the actions and formalities needed to finalise the sale, assisted with my remote requests for various enhancements to the boat and coordinated the works right through to the target date for completion and re-launch in May. During our final preparations with the boat in the water in the crowded Alimos Marina, on a berth only available due to your contacts, I met people (from not just one yacht) who were stranded awaiting documentation to be finalised. I was so glad I had made our purchase through YD Yachts!
Your continued assistance and availability even beyond our departure from Alimos is very much appreciated. It is from your dedication to see everything through smoothly that we have been able to make the purchase remotely with so little effort or complications. Thank you again for all your knowledgeable advice, your commitment to satisfaction of all parties and the professionalism of your service.
Kind regards
Dear Yiannis,
With our boat now almost halfway through its delivery voyage and nearing the Gulf of Aden I thought it would be appropriate for me to write to you to express my thanks for all that you have done.
Although I have been sailing for about 5 years on Hobie cats, the thought of ever owning a blue water cruiser was a dream that I did not really believe would ever materialize. It should also be noted that I had and still have very little experience when it comes to larger boats and when I began browsing the internet in September last year, I quickly realized that I was a little out of my depth and that I would need two things if this dream was ever going to materialize. Firstly, I would need someone with an intricate knowledge of Yachts to guide me and then I would need to find a Yacht Broker that I could trust.
I was very fortunate that my cousin has been running charters from Florida for many years as well as having completed the Cape to Rio race on a few occasions and he was most helpful in helping me come to a decision about what type of boat would best suit my needs given my budget. With a fairly broad view of what boat I needed it was back to the Internet to begin the search.
It was during this search that I came across YD Yachts for the first time, at the time I was sending out several enquiries per day asking about boats that I had found on the internet. Some brokers were good and responded quickly others were not so good. However, in the case of YD Yachts I quickly had the impression that I was dealing with someone who was not only interested in helping me find a boat, but was dealing with someone who was actually listening to my questions and answering them appropriately. Basically, I had found someone who was passionate about what he does for a living and who I felt really wanted to help me find the right boat for me.
Over the months a level of trust built between us and by the time I came to signing on the dotted line I was completely confident in everything that you were telling me. My situation was rather complicated but the fact that I was trying to buy a yacht in Greece from Tanzania this meant that a lot of evaluation had to be done remotely and your patience during this time was exceptional. I remain grateful for the time you took in answering my questions and guiding me to the point where I was ready to purchase.
Most Yacht brokers would consider their jobs done once the sale agreement was signed. This was certainly not the case for YD Yachts, for YD Yachts this is where the work really started. Firstly the information on your website about the process that I needed to go through was very thorough and helpful and secondly the advice that you gave me with regards to registration etc etc once again confirmed that you really knew your business.
Your assistance while the boat was being prepared for delivery was tireless and speaks volumes for you passion and commitment.
I now regard you as a friend, and I sincerely hope that one day our paths will cross again. Perhaps you will decide to do some cruising and will come down the East Coast of Africa, I hope so. You will be very welcome in Tanzania at the Stuarts house.
Thank you and God Bless
Caro Yannis,
Sono molto contento di aver incontarato lei come broker xche’ e’ stato veramente professionale ed onesto.Non ho mai trovato in grecia tanta professionalita’ e disponibilita’. Sono sicuro che con il grande mercato Greco delle barche avra’ un grande successo in poco tempo xche’ e’ difficile trovare persone come lei. Grazie di nuovo e speriamo di vederci x la prossima grande barca!!!
After bareboat sailing in Greece for the past several years we finally decided to commit to our own boat. Searching through the Internet can be a daunting task, especially from the distance of our home country of Australia, however we were continuously drawn back to the website of YD Yachts and the prompt and considered responses of Yiannis Drimousis.
On arriving in Athens and meeting a number of Yacht Brokers it became clear that we would be very comfortable dealing with the charming and open man, who has a very wide knowledge of the local yacht industry. He quickly identified our requirements and the very first yacht he introduced us to, and the one we returned to again and again as we diligently inspected the myriad of options presented, was the one we subsequently purchased. Yiannis was then of assistance in arriving at a price which was agreeable to all parties and was also invaluable in recommending an independent Yacht Surveyor and an efficient and supportive Lawyer, who held our hand and assisted in navigating the convoluted and at times very frustrating Greek Bureaucratic system.
Understanding your personal “wishlist” and identifying and purchasing the right boat will always be a challenging task but we highly recommend Yiannis Drimousis as an reliable and conscientious Broker. We enjoyed his company and found we could trust his judgement and advise. Even after the purchase was concluded and payments made Yiannis was in regular contact to ensure all was well and enquire whether we needed further assistance.
Good luck with your search, happy sailing and kind winds,
Funderar du pa att kopa bat i Grekland Vad maste man tnka pa Det absolut viktigaste r att finna en batmklare som man knner fortroende for och som mam kan samarbeta med under den langa tid det tar att kopa bat i Grekland.Hur kan jag veta det Jag har kopt tva batar och salt en.Bada segelbatar.Det r en mycket lang och komplicerad prosedyr som man som svensk defentivt inte kan klara pa egen hand.Bla. kontakt med skattemyndigheter, skeppsregister, polis osv.osv. Att kopa bat i Sverige r ju nog sa enkelt men inte i Grekland det kan jag forskra.Jag rekommenderar verkligen och utan forbehall Yiannis Drimousis. Varfor Han r absolut trovrdig, oerhort kunnig och har kontakter overallt bland seglare, hamnmyndigheter, skattemyndigheter, besiktningsmn etc etc.
Han behandlar sina kunder professionellt och man att kunden skall knna gldje och tillfredstllelse i sitt batkop. Langa och manga kontakter via internett som fungerar jttebra.Snabba kunniga svar.Advokathjlp blir nodvndig men Yiannis ordnar sadan kontakt med absolut kunnig advokat.Det r faktiskt sa att Yiannis r den som driver hela affren nere i Athen men naturligtvis alltid i samrad med koparen.Han hjlper till ocksa vid behov att forbereda baten for sjosttning, ordnar eventuell skeppare och skaffar fram nodvndig proviant for forsta seglingen.Jag har knnt Yiannis i ungefr tre ar och han har blivit en riktig vn, alltid glad, positiv och hjlpsam.Jag har aldrig angrat mina batkop som formedlats av Yiannis.
Paatimme toteuttaa vuosien unelmamme ja hankkia purjevene Kreikasta. Onneksemme sattumalta loysimme YD YACHTSIN ja Yianniksen. Han teki uskomattoman tyon saadakseen juuri meille sopivan veneen. Huonolla englanninkielentaidollamme (saati Kreikan) eivat asiat olisi nain hyvin sujuneet ilman Yiannista. Han hoiti puolestamme monta kaytannon asiaa, jotka moni muu myyntimies olisi jattanyt tekematta. Hanella on yhteyksineen hallussaan kaikki mahdollinen tieto asiaan liittyen, sisaltaen myos veneen taydellisen huollon jonka saimmekin miellyttavana yllatyksena kokea. Saimme myos monia hyvia vinkkeja miten homma paikallisesti pitaa hoitaa. Vaikka virallinen paperien “pyoritys” oli hidasta ja hankalaakin valilla, sanoisimme silti kaupanteon olleen helpon.
Nyt me olemme valmiita purjehtimaan omalla BAVARIA 38:lla Kreikan saaria!
Kiitos Yiannis avustasi ja ystavallisyydestasi
Ateena 27.03.2007 KARI ja HANNELE ANIA
PS. Jos olet ajatellut hankkia venetta lampimille vesille suosittelemme kaantymista
After many years of planning our retirement, we decided to purchase a yacht in Greece, which we knew was going to be a daunting task. Not so! We were extremely lucky to discover YD Yachts, a brokerage based in Athens owned by Yiannis Drimousis.
From the first contact by email, we knew we were in safe hands. Over the next few months, Yiannis sent us details and photographs of many yachts within our budget. From these, we were able to make a short list of boats we wanted to view on our trip to Greece. Yiannis personally took us to see our selection and, with his knowledge of the owners and the boats, he was able to give us the background history of each vessel, which was very helpful in making our final choice.
We felt that Yiannis was not just interested in selling us a boat, he was more interested in selling us the right boat for our needs. With his great deal of experience in this field, it gave us the confidence to make our purchase of “ELECTRON”, a 1997 Bavaria 38.
Yiannis took care of all aspects of the purchase, in addition to arranging legal representation for us. He also arranged for the laying up and safe winter storage of the boat when we were back in the UK and for some minor repairs to be carried out, so that the boat would be ready for us in the Spring of 2007.
My wife and I are now looking forward to cruising the Greek Islands in our retirement, all made possible by YD Yachts.
My heartfelt thanks to YD Yachts for all their help and support.
Jeg har kjopt en Dufour 45 classic, gjennom Y.D. YACHTS. og Yannis er en serios agent. Jeg fikk tilsendt gode bilder,han fortalte om batens tilstand,papekte ogsa feil og mangler. Han sier tingene slik de er, ikke bare skryt,slik jeg opplevde fra andre agenter. Han fremforhandler en riktig pris,og forteller med en gang hvis han mener selger forlanger for mye. Er ogsa grundig med a fortelle om batens tilstand,slik at da jeg besiktiget baten var det ingen overraskelser. Han er ogsa utrolig hjelpsom med andre praktiske ting etter kjop.
For meg har han vrt en god mellommann som det hadde vrt vanskelig a greie seg uten. (det finnes mange nok useriose i dette gemet)
Dear Yannis,
In this letter I would like to thank you for the help and brilliant service that you have provided, once selling Bavaria 44 to me.
When we were on our way sailing the yacht to Cyprus, we happened to be in a very strong storm weather, at which the boat showed itself only from the best sides, which shows that you have not only sold a boat to us, you sold well equiped, high quality and reliable yacht, which was ready to sail in any condition. I am glad that after buying the yacht, you are not simply a seller, but a friend to me.
I also attach a picture of me upon arrival to Cyprus, Larnaca.
Best wishes,
If you are worried about buying a yacht in Greece, then look no further than Yiannis Drimousis, director of YD Yachts. Yiannis will spend a great deal of time with you and will accompany you whilst viewing of the yachts of your choice and of those he has recommended. Even before you leave the UK he will send you lots of photographs and details that will help you narrow your choices down.
Yachts in Greece are often for sale with more than one broker. The same yacht could be for sale with two or more different brokers and at different prices! In our experience, those boats that have been for sale with YD Yachts have been at the lowest prices with the most accurate and honest descriptions.
The buying process is complex by UK standards but is very secure, with all yachts flying Greek flags being registered on our equivalent of Lloyds A1 registry. Yiannis will provide help and support in locating reliable and efficient people to aid with the purchasing process and the removal of the vessel from the Greek registry. These include your solicitor, surveyors, and qualified technicians for any repairs, maintenance or remedial work you want completed.
In a nutshell, if you want to sail in beautiful scenery and in the clear blue seas of the Greek Islands, start your journey with Yiannis of YD Yachts; you will not be disappointed!
I november maned 2005 besluttede min kone og jeg at kobe bad i Grkenland efter en del sogning pa nettet, besluttede vi os for at benytte Yiannis Drimousis som mgler.
Vi har vret meget tilfreds med den made YD Yachts har hanteret handlen pa, alt hvad der blev lovet er overholdt, vi kan derfor give YD Yachts vores bedste anbefalinger.
Baden er nu beliggende i Grkenland, og har fungeret perfekt siden vi ovetog den.
Yiannis Drimousis,
I wanted to thank you for all the good care and cooperation I have with you the last 9 months. And I remember the first time we meet each other at the 21 may 2005 for the Atlantic 49. Off course I was a little suspicious to buy a boot in a foreign country like Greece and most of the people in Belgium advised against it. The Atlantic 49 had a very good price but a lot of works and investments to get it back on the water to sail safely again. I was in Greece for two days and you give me on trust to sleep on the Dufour 45 Classic. I remember that you’ve made also pictures of that vessel because the owner (Nave Yachts) was intending to sale also that vessel at the end of the season. After a few weeks and mails we made a very good deal and I decided to bay the Dufour 45 Classic. Of course, it was still in the running for charter soI’ll have to wait till the end of season. For me it was the first time I wanted to buy a boot and in the mounds that passed you give me the necessary information and help. Also, you told me to do everything by a local lawyer. So, seller and buyer would be safe at any time.
You let me free to make my one choice, but for a foreign person I put my trust in your hands and you provide me a good lawyer to manage the sale. And the lawyer, you, the owner and myself made an MOA (Memorandum of Agreement) for the Dufour 45 Classic.
All the time you advised me positive and even with inspection of the vessel you give me all the necessary information and advice needed. You arranged also to use the boot for one week in August September to sail with here and discover all possible failures. And together with the inspection of Nek Design (also on your recommendation) the owner have to make a few repairs on sail drive stern and maintenance of the engine for about 950 euro (much more than the inspection) before delivering the boot. Also, you made all appointments with Olympic Marine to get the boot for 4 mounds out of the water, and made appointments to provide for a new antifouling layer. In the mine time all paperwork to buy the boot was on a delay of a few mounds because governments in Belgium and Greece are total different and very suspicious about each other a specially when you buy a boot without paying the VAT between two charter company’s and especially when one of them are new and established to buy the boot.
All that time you made with the owner Mr Ghiokas from Nave Yachts new appointments and agreements together with the lawyer to end the sale of the vessel without problems. Even when all was done and the owner had his money but still had to pay the works on stern, drive sail and maintenance of the engine that’s way the vessel could not be lounged at time. You made the necessary phone calls and after the weekend we able to lounged the boot without problems and started to sail to Nieuwpoort her new port. So Mr Yiannis that’s way I can recommending you toeveryone who wanted to bay a boot in Greece or wherever because in all case your honest and respectful person who give all needed information and help to get the deal done with a very satisfied costumer.
Thanks again and I’ll give you me friendship, its rarely in business to find this.
Wij apprecieren ten zeerste de heer Yiannis Drimousis, YD YACHTS BROKERAGE-YACHT SALES, in zijn capaciteit als botenmakelaar en zijn heel dankbaar voor al zijn inzet en professionaliteit met betrekking tot de koop van onze zeilboot.
Deze aankoop was buitengewoon ingewikkeld en meneer Yiannis heeft al zijn kennis aangewend om deze transactie te laten slagen en ten opzichte van de verkoper en van de griekse autoriteiten en ten opzichte van ons.
I am a member of the swedish yacht club med.sailors and I have been planning
for a long time to sail in Greece in my own yacht.I finally decided to sell
my yacht in Sweden and buy another yacht in Greece.It,s defenitly not easy
to purchase a yacht in a foreign country far away from home.I was lucky
enough to get in contact with mr Drimousis through internet and his
homepage.For a little more than half a year we corresponded through internet
more or less daily looking at at different yachts.Mr Drimousis was very
helpfull during this time always giving quick and professional answers.After
about half a year I decided to go to Athens to look at a yacht and meet with
mr Drimousis.Meeting with mr Drimousis I felt at once that he was a very
trustworthy person garding not only the interests of the seller but also my
interests as a buyer.I am very happy with the yacht I finally bought with
the professional help of mr Drimousis and I have already had the opportunity
to show it to some countrymen from Sweden who were impressed by it,s good
condition.All paperworks in connection with the purchase was taken care of
in a smoth way and without any problem by mr Drimousis.Through mr Drimousis
I got in contact with a very nice and experiensed skipper who sailed the
yacht with me to Lefkas.Mr Drimousis is a very trustworthy broker but also a
person I regard as a friend.I recommend him to all future buyers.
Dear Yiannis,
Thank you for sending the final paperwork. It feels good to have “Pandora” as OUR boat and we are enjoying sailing her.
We have appreciated everything you did to make sure that the sale went through smoothly, and for working for us as well as George, especially as it had to be done by phone and email.
We look forward to meeting you next time we get to Athens.
Athens - 32 Lochagou Chronopoulou, 17 455 Alimos, Greece
Western Greece - 30 002, Aktion, Greece
Tel: +30 6974 069 357
Contact Person: Yiannis Drimousis
e-mail: [email protected] (We reply within 24hrs)